To continue on the topic of my last post, it's only two days until the Crim 10 mile race in Flint, Michigan. This will be my fourth or fifth time running it. It's one of those races that you automatically add to your personal Summer race calendar. It has it all; the perfect distance, the neighborhood crowd support (including beer at "Cashew Point" and a dozen plus entertainers), the charming course through several neighborhoods, the rolling hills (notably The Bradley Hills) and the wide range of runners - from celebrated professional athletes to first timers.
So, why do I again bring up the Crim as an area of conversation? It's because, while this race is where running really started for me, it was also the point at which I realized that running was contagious.
Let me explain. I saw a postcard for the Crim training group, my co-worker Kristin and I decided to sign-up. We mentioned it to another co-worker, and she signed up. I told my Dad I could help him w/ the training from a "run this far this weekend, and run this far the next," and then he signed up. Because my Dad and I signed up, my Mom signed up for the 5k run. After the Crim 10 mile race was over, my Dad and I decided to run our first half marathon, the Detroit Freepress Half Marathon, and my Mom and husband signed up for the 5k run. After succeeding with 13.1 miles my Dad and I decided to vow to do the Chicago marathon the next year. The year we ran our first marathon, my Mom ran her first half marathon. Then a year later my Mom decided to try her first marathon. Along the way several friends, family and co-workers all became inspired to run races for their first time, or distances that they never thought they could cover.
That brings us to today; two days away from the Crim; I am excited (and proud) to say that my husband Mark is ready for his first Crim 10 mile race! His previous running history consisted of doing a couple 2 mile runs with me in the Summer and possibly a 5k in the Fall. After a full Spring & Summer of training for the 10 miler (body glide, cliff shot gels and lakefront training runs in all) I can only hope his journey ends (or should I say starts) like mine. Perhaps, at the finish line on the bricks of Saginaw Street, he will realize that he has truly become a runner. I'm excited to share this moment with my Mom and Dad who are (of course) running the Crim and the thousands of others also running. Alright! Time to eat some pasta!
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